B.A.A.D.M. 015

Continuity – s/t

  • LP
  • Edition of 300
  • 2023
  • A1.Night market
  • A2.Dawn shifts
  • A3.Infinite lights (nights without end)
  • A4.The Neon God
  • B1.Chrome haze (trailing off)
  • B2.Drifting
  • B3.City limits (reassurance)

Eponymous first album by Continuity’, the new project of Swedish artist Martin Herterich, whose sonic explo­rations of mem­ory and imag­i­na­tion have come to full bloom in this atmos­pheric and elu­sive nar­ra­tive of seven intense cityscapes. Martin Herterich pre­vi­ously released music (as Sand Circles, etc) on labels like Posh Isolation, Not Not Fun Records, iDEAL and Irrlicht. Limited edi­tion LP of 300 copies with down­load coupon. 

Have you ever felt like all you want is to go back? Continuity is a sonic nar­ra­tive, a story arc set in a fic­tional East Asian metrop­o­lis. It is not a city you have been to. When you have fallen in love with a place, you long to go back; but it’s a mem­ory; fic­tion if you like. You want to catch the fleet­ing moment of leaves rustling in the wind, the sun reflect­ing from the glass pan­els of the roof above. 

These mem­ory cycles cre­ate emo­tional pat­terns. But unlike real­ity, these spaces are lim­ited. They carry ele­ments of real­ity in them, nar­ra­tive com­po­nents that evoke feel­ings and sig­nify mean­ing. Traveling there becomes impos­si­ble. Through streetview surf­ing and 4K walk­ing videos on Youtube, these spaces that are very much real become fic­tion­al­ized, much like the vir­tual spaces of video games. Movement is narration.

Fiction is some­thing that is, but at the same time isn’t, real. In order to under­stand an imag­i­nary place, one needs to travel there.” (Martin Herterich, 2023)

Music com­posed and recorded by Continuity / Martin Herterich. Mastered by Christophe Albertijn. Album design by Mathieu Serruys & Joris Verdoodt. Continuity’ is released in 2023 as an edi­tion of 300 copies with down­load code

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